Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Pictures on the Web of forthcoming film version of The Road

I recently came across some pictures of the forthcoming film version of Cormac McCarthy's The Road. This is an excellent (albeit bleak and quite depressing) post-apocalyptic novel that I reviewed several months ago.

The pictures here look quite good and very much nailed the look I had pictured in my mind's eye while reading McCarthy's novel. Also, I like the choice of Viggo Mortensen for the role of the father. Check them out at Firstshowing.net:


  1. That's very interesting. I'm currently 50 or so pages into this book and very much enjoying it, if that's the right term. All the while I have been imagining it as a movie. I think this has something to do with the fact that the only other Cormac McCarthy I have read is 'No Country for Old Men', which I was driven to read after seeing the movie.
    I'm not quite as excited at the casting of Viggo Mortensen as I don't think he's a strong enough actor to carry such a weighty role throughout a story like this. I wait to stand corrected. I wonder what leads you to think he is a good fit for this part?

  2. Hi Sacha, I think Mortensen could be an excellent fit for the role because he's one of those actors who is good at conveying emotion through his expressions, and the father from the book is a pretty quiet, laconic guy. He also has to be sympathetic, another quality which I believe Mortensen evokes.

    I'll be interested at how closely the script hews to the book, or whether they try to beef up the action or add in any other storylines. It's a very simple story, but it worked for me because of the connection I felt with the father-son relationship.
