Thursday, December 24, 2009

Cimmerian sighting: My top five reads of 2009

Merry Christmas! With the end of the year approaching I thought I would put together one of those ever-popular “best-of” lists for your consideration.

Following are my top five books that I’ve either read or re-read in 2009, and that I thought may be of interest to readers of The Cimmerian. If you’re looking for a few ideas for those book gift cards in your stocking, I highly recommend any of the following for purchase.

They make for pretty grim reading, but hey, The Cimmerian has always been less about “caroling out in the snow” and more of the “scary ghost stories, and tales of the glories” bent when it comes to the Most Wonderful Time of the Year.

To read the rest of this post, visit The Cimmerian Web site.


  1. I want a list too...;...
    Hyperion by Dan Simmons...
    Bula Matari by Leon Arsenal and Jose Miguel Pallares... this could be interesting for you... is a ucronia (alternative history) about a cartaginian empire which won Rome in war with the zulus leaded by Shaka...
    Los reyes malditos 1... El rey de hierro by Maurice Druon... a saga about medieval France... plenty of lust... treachery... ambitions... killings... political struggles...
    El segundo gran libro del terror... the spanish translation for the anthology Dark forces...
    and of course the first volumes of the softcover edition of Conan el cimmerio... the edition in Spain of The coming of Conan the cimmerian... the edition of all the stories of Conan by Robert E. Howard... I read Conan but in the traditional edition with the stories by L. Sprague de Camp and Lin Carter too...
    Merry Christmas...

  2. Im Francisco again...;...

  3. Ian: Yes, although I don't talk about it much here, I've been keenly interested in WWII for many years now. Part of my interest stems from the fact that the events are so amazing as to almost defy belief (the rise of Nazism, battles like Stalingrad, Midway, and Kursk, the atomic bomb, etc.) and also because I feel a close personal connection to it: My grandfather and his best friend fought in the Pacific. I wrote a two-part article on their story for a newspaper, which I also ran here on The Silver Key (you can find the links in the left-hand nav bar of my blog).

    Francisco: I've had Hyperion on my reading list for some time now, and the second book sounds very interesting. Thanks for the suggestion!
