Friday, January 29, 2010

Epic battles of Middle-earth in miniature

I'd like to offer a half-hearted apology to readers of The Silver Key who don't care much for Middle-earth. Until I get through Blogging the Silmarillion, for now and in the foreseeable future it's all Tolkien, all the time.

But although I've been shirking RPGs and gaming these days, I thought gamers and Tolkien fans alike would appreciate this link. It's a site with some great pictures of miniatures and detailed descriptions of some of the large-scale battles of Middle-earth, from The Silmarillion all the way up through The Lord of the Rings. These were articles originally published in Miniature Wargames magazine; the owner of the Web site is apparently the author.

Awesome stuff. My personal favorite is Helm's Deep. That and the picture of Eowyn and the Witch-King from the Battle of the Pelennor Fields.

I love miniatures and wish I had the time and patience (and talent) to do work like this.


  1. Those look cool...someday when I am old an in the retirement home (and hence, have time) I'll have to try those out!

  2. Haha...well, that miniature of Eowyn is certainly not how I pictured her...

  3. Welleran: You and me both, brother.

    Eric: Yes, but to be honest, this is probably how a real Shield-maiden of Rohan would look after she's been in a few scraps with orcs :).

  4. She seems a bit too happy to me.
