Thursday, August 18, 2011

Some thoughts on the eve of Conan the Barbarian

I’ve refrained from talking about Conan the Barbarian (2011) until now, despite my love for Robert E. Howard’s works. But now that we’re poised on the eve of its U.S. release, I thought I’d weigh in with my personal hopes—and fears—regarding the film.

The bottom line for me is this: I’m going to do what the studio execs want, which is opening my wallet and seeing the movie. And I might even consider it money well spent. That said, the updates I’ve followed up to this point (your ultimate source is Al Harron’s Conan the Movie Blog) don’t leave me with great expectations.

To read the rest of this post, visit The Black Gate website .


  1. Great post Brian.

    Howard will weather the storm regardless.

    I had high hopes for that animated Red Nails awhile back-don't know what ever went wrong with those jokers.

  2. Nice post. I was able to attend the Texas premiere last night. I jotted off a hasty report on it and it was posted on Two Gun Raconteur.

    Got to meet and chat with Momoa. Thought you might find the info of some interest. I think you will find it somewhere in the middle of your best and worst fears. I enjoyed it because I just watch it for what it is. I realize Hollywood will NEVER make a Howard film. Only fans can do that. True Howard is too dark I think for most Hollywood money men to get behind. Red Nails was wonderful but dark as hell and violent as shit. Good luck getting backing for that, though I do agree it would make an incredible film. I think for a real Howard film to happen, we will all have to put our money together and do it ourselves. Great posting. Can't wait to see what you think of it! - Ben

  3. I just realized I didn't say what "it" was in there. I meant the film. I really need to start paying more attention. Facebook has nearly destroyed my once fabulous writing capabilities.

  4. The opener to the NPR review of the remake.

    Conan O'Barbarian: Conan (Jason Momoa) is charged with using his wooden stoicism to prevent ancient warmongers from unleashing their supernatural hammy acting on an unsuspecting public. Though the film's lore tells us he was born on a battlefield, in truth this Conan was born out of Hollywood's current joint lust for remakes and sword-and-sandals mythos."

    I think I'll pass this one by and watch the first version again instead.

  5. I had high hopes for that animated Red Nails awhile back-don't know what ever went wrong with those jokers.

    Yeah, that was the one I wanted to see... I wonder if this film is successful, whether that could get the Red Nails guys off their butt to complete the project?

    Got to meet and chat with Momoa. Thought you might find the info of some interest. I think you will find it somewhere in the middle of your best and worst fears.

    Thanks for the link Ben. That's pretty cool, getting to meet Conan in the flesh.

    I think I'll pass this one by and watch the first version again instead.

    I'll be posting a review sometime soon, I'm sure, if you're interested. But you might have the right idea Fred.

  6. Brian,

    I am definitely interested in what you thought of the film.
