Friday, December 16, 2011

Tolkien porn

This could be the most beautiful book shelf I've ever laid eyes upon, at least this side of Middle-Earth.

Photo is from the blog of Tolkien scholars Wayne Hammond and Christina Scull, co-authors of the indespensable reference The J.R.R Tolkien Companion and Guide.


  1. My shelves are a bit more diverse and less specific than that.. But I'd love for mine to look that nice.. Ahh the things that money can buy..

    I'm barely a step above white pine boards on concrete blocks!

  2. Very nice-mine are quite a bit more jumbled-with a few laying horizontal on top of others for the sake of space (that I do not have)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I think I just found the new desktop background for my computer!

  5. Actually thinking on it, when I first saw your topic heading I was afraid you would be referencing "Lord of the G-Strings: The Femaleship of the String" but then I remembered who was posting it.. and I clicked the link anyway.

  6. I think I just found the new desktop background for my computer

    I've spent way too much time zoomed in on this photo, drooling...

    I was afraid you would be referencing "Lord of the G-Strings: The Femaleship of the String"

    Good lord... a quick Google search reveals that this is an actual title...

  7. Real. Yes. I can neither confirm nor deny that I've actually watched it however.

    But I can say it was brought to you by the same people who brought the world "Muffy: The Vampire Layer"
