Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Rest in Peace, Nicol Williamson

The actor who gave us the best wizard ever put to screen has died: Rest in Peace, Nicol Williamson, age 75. His son has a few moving words to say about him here.

In honor of Williamson, In The Land of Dreams:

And When a Man Lies:


  1. He also gave one of my favorite portrayals of Sherlock Holmes, in the Seven Percent Solution. A great talent.

  2. "It is the doom of men that they forget."

    Nicol Williamson intoning that line on the hilltop in Excalibur remains one of the most enduring images and phrases of my life.

  3. Charles, I have not seen his other work, though I've heard Williamson played a magnificent Hamlet as well. Excalibur, and his unsurpassed reading of The Hobbit, are about all I know of his body of work, but these are enough for me to recognize his loss as a bitter one.

    Eric, that's one of my favorite scenes from the film, with the circle of knights around him portending the round table:

    And look upon this moment. Savor it! Rejoice with great gladness! Great gladness! Remember it always, for you are joined by it. You are One, under the stars.
