Friday, April 13, 2012

Metal Friday: "Jerusalem" by Bruce Dickinson

Someone recently forwarded me a link to an article listing the top 10 heavy metal albums of the 1990s. They asked for my comment.

That list did not include The Chemical Wedding, so my comment was that the list was not valid. Here's why:

Turn it up loud!


  1. Cool. I hadn't heard that one. Thanks for posting.

  2. It's a good album. Did the list at least include a Madien album?

  3. No Maiden in the top 10. Though to be honest Maiden was not at it's best in the 90s. that changed with Brave New World...

  4. I trulyy believe that Bruce's solo stuff is better than his work w/ Maiden, at least 'Accident of Birth' and 'Chemical Wedding', anyway.
