Monday, May 14, 2012

Back, and with more Red Nails

Whew, I'm back from a week-long, stressful business trip to San Diego during which I had no time to blog. But now that I'm home again I'll be getting back on track with some new posts (including a great piece of WWII history I plan on sharing here).

As it turns out today posted a recent podcast on Robert E. Howard's "Red Nails" in which I was invited to participate. I'm definitely more comfortable writing than speaking but I nevertheless had a lot of fun with this rare occasion to talk about one of one my favorite authors (my wife and kids aren't particularly interested in hearing about the Hyborian Age over dinner, what can I say).

You can listen to the podcast here. The entire story is read first by Gregg Margarite from Librivox, followed by our discussion.


  1. Awesome podcast, though it would be nice if the story was seperated from the discussion so you don't need to wait for the rest to load before you can get there.

    And getting Al Harron on the show would be an excellent idea.

  2. Good listen, thanks.

    I believe you're in my area, Brian. Maybe this summer we can get together for ale and Howardian chat.

  3. Glad you liked it Michal! I agree, it would be more user-friendly to separate the two.

    Paul, I thought you lived in Eastern MA too. Drop me a line!
