Thursday, January 16, 2020

Flame and Crimson now available on Amazon That there is a book.

If you like sword-and-sorcery literature, Robert E. Howard, Conan the Barbarian (the 1982 film), or perhaps if you enjoy my ramblings in this little corner of cyberspace, I'd sure appreciate it if you consider picking up a copy. Read it, or skim for the good bits. Leave me a review.

If nothing else, Flame and Crimson: A History of Sword-and-Sorcery was a lot of work on a subject I care a lot about. I tried my best to give this thing we genre nerds call "sword-and-sorcery" a rough shape, a meaningful place in our culture and collective humanity, and a measure of dignity (not always possible), all while attempting to tell an interesting (non-fiction) story along the way. I tried to give my due to the authors that made it a publishing phenomenon in the 1960s and 70s, spawning a barbaric horde of movies, role-playing games, and heavy metal songs and bands. I'll leave it to others to judge how well I managed to do that.

Thanks to Bob McLain at Pulp Hero Press for getting this work into print. I'm looking forward to more titles from this powerhouse little publisher. Thanks again to the great Tom Barber for his awesome cover art. I am so looking forward to having the original Barber oil hanging over my bar in the man-cave, which if you think about it is pretty sword-and-sorcery. Once its up I'll toast with a drink out of a viking helmet, or perhaps the skull of one of my enemies.

I have a few others to thank for getting both me and this title across the finish line, but you'll have to read the book to find that out.


  1. Ordered! And while I️ prefer print myself I️ hope you get an ebook copy out too just to grab those potential readers too.

  2. Ordered. btw, have you read any of the Witcher novels or stories. I think you'd like them. I don't know that I'd call them sword and sorcery but they're good fantasy novels.

  3. Excellent. Will order from my indie.

    Jim Cornelius

  4. Thanks so much guys. I appreciate the support. I hope it does justice to the subject.

    I do believe the book is going to be available on kindle, David. I’ll check with the publisher.

  5. Jason: I have not read or watched the Witcher (yet) but am hearing good things.
