Saturday, June 13, 2020

I'm podcasted!

The History of Sword and Sorcery: A Conversation with Author Brian Murphy (that is me) is now available for listening on the Literary Wonder & Adventure Show podcast. Check it out here. It's also up on Youtube.

I'm a bit nervous to listen myself as I'm no sword-and-sorcery hero, and have always been far more comfortable working in the written word rather than the spoken. But I hope I had some interesting things to say Again, I thank host Robert Zoltan and his companion Edgar the Raven for the opportunity.

Edit: Just started listening and I'm loving the post-production work. We didn't start the show with crashing, Basil Poledouris-esque intro music playing in our earphones.


  1. I just listen to it. Very good podcast. You don't sound like I thought you would, though.

  2. Ha! Thanks. You were expecting something more like Patrick Stewart?

  3. You’re voice was actually deeper than I thought it would be.

  4. Interesting discussion. I enjoyed listening.
