Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Sometimes you get lucky: An S&S haul

Sometimes you just get lucky.

I managed to acquire this haul for free, from a very nice gent who was selling his home, moving across the country, and didn't want to be bothered hauling boxes of books with him. This was someone who said they had 75 S&S books to give away, but I was thinking I might be wasting 2 1/2 to 3 hours on a round trip drive, if the "S&S books" turned out to be fat fantasy/Harry Potter/etc. 

Instead, it turned out to be a jackpot. I told the dude that rest assured, his books were going to a good place.

Presented here for your viewing pleasure.


  1. Well, that's the mother lode for certain! Fantastic score!

  2. It's still nice to know that there are "deals" to be had out there. Excellent batch 'o books!

  3. Congratulations! Looks like a great haul!

  4. Wow. That’s a lifetime’s worth of collecting right there.
    Heroes of Bear Creek and She Devil are not easy to find these days.

    Was there much duplication with your own collection?

    John Hocking

  5. Thanks all, very unexpected, and I'm beyond grateful.

    John: Some duplication, yes. I own all of the Lancers, some of the Offutt/Taylor collab, etc.. But I did not own many of these titles. I'm going to be going through and culling/selling some of the duplicates.

  6. Nice to see the Berkeley collections. That line of paperbacks was my introduction to 'pure' REH. I still own the two depicted, as well as the three Conan volumes - all well worn from repeated readings.

  7. Dan: Some of these have the mini fold out posters inside and intact, too. I'm pretty darned pleased.

  8. Crom's balls, what a score. Once, in the dizzy days of my youth, a friend and I sallied forth to The Dusty Corner in Roanoke. We found an entire book shelf dedicated to REH literally filled to bursting, Aces, Berkleys, Lancers, etc. Being that both of us were REH fiends, we took turns pulling titles from the shelves, mentally tallying our scores to our state of funds until we had all we could come away with. We only knocked a slight dent in those shelves.

  9. Chris: I love hearing stories like that. I remember seeing huge collections of REH, ERB, etc., as a kid in used book stores that I did not have the $ on hand to purchase. The 10 year old still in me does appreciate this score.
