Friday, February 18, 2022

Robert E. Howard Foundation awards nominations announced

The Robert E. Howard Foundation recently published its list of nominees for the 2022 awards. I'm on there, twice, for the Hyrkanian--Outstanding Achievement, Essay, and for the Venarium--Emerging Scholar.

The Hyrkanian is for my essay "Myth Manifesting in the Present: Robert E. Howard's 'Marchers of Valhalla,'" which you can find over at the DMR Blog. I like that piece, as the subject matter pressed all my buttons (come on, Vikings and Howard, and myth intermingling with the present day?) I was gripped by a James Allison level of fevered possession while writing it. The Venarium is further specified for my work on various recent essays, as well as for writing Flame and Crimson

I have been at the writing/blogging game for some time, and will leave it to others for what qualifies as an emerging scholar. Flame and Crimson required of course an immense level of research. I don't know the other names on that list, save for the administrator of the fine The World of Robert E. Howard website. But it's really cool to see the breadth of scholarly work being done, both domestically and abroad.

There are many, many worthy entries on these lists. To be nominated is as always an incredible honor. Just as with the Atlantean for which I was nominated, and ultimately won last year, I don't know who nominated me for these categories, but ... thank you! I do hope to see Robert E. Howard Changed My Life win an award. I owe that fine book a review.

This announcement also serves as a reminder that I NEED to get to Robert E. Howard Days in Cross Plains and see the Howard homestead. Maybe this will be the year.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Congrats! Outstanding work.
    Steve Babb

  3. Congratulations on the nominations and the win last year. We hope you can make it this year. Shoot me an email if you want some suggestions about lodging and a few unofficial activities before things formally kickoff.

  4. Thank you Keith! I appreciate that, and will hit you up over email. I THINK I have your email address.
