Sunday, April 17, 2022

Some scenes from Uncle Eddie's

Update: Maiden New England and The Hellion were excellent. Both had female lead singers who could belt it out, and great musicians backing them up. Much fun was had. A few scenes from the evening. 

We did not plan matching outfits...

The dumpy charm of Uncle Eddie's...

Ready to rock.

Bit of "Wasted Years."


  1. Ha, that's pretty wild. I dig on, "tribute" bands, but I don't think I've ever seen an Iron Maiden one. They sound pretty tight.

  2. They were good! Alas, I failed to take a good video of The Hellion, who were also good.

  3. Yeah, I would have liked to have seen that. The best cover band I ever saw was British Steel and the kid had a voice just like Halford...could really peel the paint off the walls.

    I'm a sucker for a good set of pipes.
