Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Taking a (permanent?) Facebook break

If asked a few weeks or months ago I would probably not describe myself as a heavy social media user. I had Facebook, but not Instagram or TikTok. I have a Twitter account, but one I rarely use save for business-related tweets. But, I had Facebook, and that was enough. It had become my "home page." I followed news organizations by following them on Facebook. Sports, music, etc., were all fed through Facebook.

I got up in the AM and checked it first. Before bed, it was usually my last stop. In between, I would catch myself scrolling...and scrolling... Hours went by, daily, in small-ish chunks. I was not paying attention to the real world. I was perpetually distracted. 

Worse, I was perpetually irritated, occasionally angry. Because I was seeing a darker side of humanity, and occasionally contributing to the same base instincts.

When you join a Facebook group to follow your town news, who speaks the loudest? The crank with an axe to grind.

When you follow the page of your favorite band, whose comments rocket to the top? The troll, who shit-posts, and gets reactions.

Then, sometimes you respond. And get dragged down into the same mire. And for what reason?

I knew this un-virtuous, illiberal circle was not good for me, but I hung on, for months and even years. I was getting SOME value out of Facebook. I followed my favorite breweries on the platform, and saw their latest releases. I got value out of some old sword-and-sorcery groups, paperback collectors groups. The occasional post from a friend or acquaintance that was genuine, and made me smile. The local news, that fed me stories about a bridge being out so that I could plan a new route. 

And so I kept using the platform.

Unfortunately the noise was drowning out the signal. I saw fewer and fewer friends posting. The ones that were, were often complaining, looking for sympathy I could not deliver over a digital platform, or just posting memes and other nonsense. Arguably harmless, but also a very poor use of my time.

On Saturday I deleted my Facebook account outright, no warning, no good-byes. Did not want to chase one last bit of dopamine in some grand declaration to the world. So I just quit.

So far, I remain off. In a pavlovian reaction that speaks volumes I still go to the page regularly, without thinking, where I'm confronted with a login to an account that no longer exists.

I could undo this--Facebook gives you ample time, and warnings, and pleas to return. But, I'm not planning to. At the minimum, it's going to be a long break that I need.

It's going to be much harder for me to aggregate and follow news, particularly hyper-local stuff. But I"m going to give it a shot. My sanity is worth it.


  1. Congratulations, you've just won back days of your life!

  2. I did this exact thing in July of 2021, I picked a date and said for the next 3 months I was not going to go back into Facebook. As soon as I did that I found that my screen time dropped significantly, my anxiety and stress dropped, I was able to make time for things that I thought that I didn't have time for. At the end of my 3 month experiment I found that I didn't want to go back and have only went on there to tell my family that they will have to send information to me a different way if they want me to know about it.

  3. I made a decision to stay off facebook and social media and I think it was a wise one.

  4. Thanks for the support guys... so far so good. A few FOMO pangs, but nothing more.

  5. It really does become a shitty habit. I love seeing pictures of my friends' kids and whatnot, but it's a black hole for sure. Unrelated: I am currently reading your book and enjoying it very much. Thanks!

  6. Anonymous: Thanks, glad you're enjoying Flame and Crimson! Please do consider giving it a good rating on Goodreads or Amazon (or a review!) if you enjoyed it. Those help.

  7. Congratulations. Facebook is the most divisive, alienating and damaging piece of software ever created. I think of it as "malware for society". Keep up the great work on the blogging and stay away from all things Zuckerbergian.

  8. Thanks Scott!! I'm giving it a legit shot.

  9. I will leave you a great review! Such a good book. I truly appreciate someone taking this genre seriously enough to write such a well-researched volume. Also: I, too, like Gordon Lightfoot and live in MA. We may be long-separated siblings. :)

    MC (Anonymous above)

  10. Thank you Michael! Small world indeed, maybe we have some joint ancestor, unknown to the two of us:) I live in Merrimac, MA by the way, right on the border of NH.
