Friday, June 17, 2022

Lin Carter: Enthusiast of the Fantastic

My latest post for the blog of Tales from the Magician's Skull is up: Lin Carter: Enthusiast of the Fantastic.

The world needs more Lin Carters: Enthusiasts who love sword-and-sorcery and sword-and-planet and wear that passion on their sleeve.


  1. I tend to think of Carter as a great editor/lousy writer. Now, I'm just going on his Conan stories, but that seems to be the most common opinion on him. Maybe his original stuff was better. That said as editor of the Adult Fantasy line he brought back many classics.

  2. That's about right. I do like a couple of his stories, and (most) of his fiction is at least entertaining, but his originality was lacking. Energetic editor for sure, possessed of a boundless enthusiasm which I find endearing.
