Monday, July 11, 2022

LORDS OF DESTRUCTION! A review of Death Dealer book 2

If you're looking for sword-and-sorcery turned up to 11--but not in a particularly good way--look no further than James Silke's Death Dealer series, the second volume of which I've reviewed over at the blog of DMR Books, so you don't have to. Read it here, if you dare.

To give you an example of some the passages in all their ridiculously awful but simultaneously glorious style, here is a screen shot. 

Yes, this actually says:

The nymph herself, of course, was a total surprise. Goddesses were supposed to be regal, and formal, and robed in heavy velvets. But this one was housed in the body of a coltish savage, and there was enough delicious mischief behind her bright eyes to make sin look like the only endeavor worthy of life's trials and tribulations. If anyone doubted this, her brazen nudity would end the argument before it started, and unbuckle your belt as well.


  1. I find it interesting that you are also reading this series as I purchased the four books just last year, and I, too, have read the first two books. I am currently reading book 3. I find I was much more forgiving than you on the first book, as I loved the writing, the story, and learning about the Death Dealer's background. That may, of course, have simply been because my expectations were so low going into the book. However, I thought your review of the second book was far too kind. That book was downright deplorable. It just repeated the first book but not near as well and did nothing to advance Gath's story. It reminded me of having to watching, for the 16th time, the need to blow up the Darth Star. The third book has started off with potential but is a bit bogged down now on some sidetrack in pursuit of a McGuffin. It'll be interesting to read your take on the other two--if you ever pick them up!

  2. Will: Weird serendipity going on here!

    I actually did like book 1... it was not great, but was quite entertaining, enough there to get me to read book 2. Agreed, big dropoff. I feel like it might have been hacked out in about 2 weeks.

    Still, I'm a completist so will eventually get to books 3 and 4.
