Friday, October 14, 2022


I've got it, it sucks, that is all.

2 1/2 years of avoiding the 'vid and finally it got me on a business trip. Plane rides and a big conference, coupled with a few nights out at restaurants/bars, so probably no surprise. The opportunities for exposure numbered in the thousands.

I'm feeling tired, achy, spiked a small fever which seems to have broken. Otherwise OK, but posting here has suffered and likely will continue to suffer in the next few days. We'll see.


  1. Thanks dudes... on day 4 and I'm definitely on the upswing.

  2. Us, too. 2-3 weeks ago. Mild symptoms for me for a few days followed by essentially a cold for a week (didn't even know I had it), Susan had it worse, but basically just a flu, 3-4 days of a fever then achy head cold for 10 days or so.

    Hope it doesn't stop you from seeing JP. 5 days in you shouldn't be catching anymore.

  3. Ugh, that sucks Dana. I am planning to see JP as I'm 5 days in and symptom free for 2+ days. Will mask up and go.
