Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Night Winds blowing for Karl Edward Wagner, Kane

My latest post is up on the blog of Tales from the Magician's Skull: (Night) Winds Blowing for Kane--Toward a Karl Edward Wagner revival.

Will 2023 finally be the year we get good affordable editions of the immortal Kane? There have been stirrings at publisher Baen, with rumors that KEW's estate holders have been approached about the possibility. The current situation--wildly and fantastically priced Centipede collectors editions, tattered and increasingly expensive Warner mass-market paperbacks--is pretty untenable. The barrier to entry for new fans is high, and the property is languishing. I've heard the current kindle editions are lousy, laden with typos and other gaffes, and the cover art is certainly ... uninspired. I might say shit, if I were being less kind.

I'd love to see Kane back in print, the stories are terrific and an important piece of sword-and-sorcery's past. If you would too, send an email to


  1. I really enjoyed your piece! It's a shame so much of Karl Edward Wagner's work is out of print.

  2. Great essay of KEW's Nightwinds, and possible resurgence of his work. Hopefully it will happen.

  3. Thanks men, glad you liked the piece. We absolutely need Kane back in print; seminal S&S IMO. Hopefully Baen comes through in 2023.

  4. Merry Christmas to you and yours. May your sword stay sharpened, your scabbard well-oiled and your shield burnished.

  5. :) Thanks John! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas.

  6. This would definitely be a good start in keeping his words and memory alive, but I think there is much more that can be done. If you are still planning to attend Howard Days in April, let's get together and kick some ideas around. Like REH, KEW should not be forgotten.

  7. Hey Will, I am definitely going to Howard Days... looking forward to meeting you there and talking KEW!
