Friday, May 31, 2024

Worms of the Earth, Eternal Champion

I found out last night that Eternal Champion bass player Brad Raub passed away, just 36 years old.

So on this Metal Friday I honor his memory with “Worms of the Earth,” off their wonderful album Ravening Iron. With its spectacular Ken Kelly album cover (now THAT would be an amazing original to hang on my man cave wall).

Beyond badass.

Still feeling my way out with this band but I’m really starting to dig Ravening Iron. "Worms of the Earth" should be a hit with any red-blooded sword-and-sorcery/Robert E. Howard/Bran Mak Morn fan. Here’s a sample of the lyrics, which are basically a faithful retelling of the tale:

Upon a Roman cross there hangs a man I cannot save

For this, Rome will have to pay

I must find the door to ebon depths where they degenerate

There's nothing I would spare to see Rome howl in pain

Eyes like golden stars shining in the dark

In Dagon's Barrow I will take the stone they must obey

The King of Picts has forced his claim

One of the all-time greats in visual adaptation. Fight me if you think otherwise.

The King of Picts has forced his claim... he certainly did. Love that.

I can’t express how glad I am to see a band like Eternal Champion lend their own artistic interpretation to REH. We’ve got pastiche novels, visual artists, comic adaptations, gaming supplements, and now heavy metal bands, all keeping Howard alive with their own inspiring visions of the greatest sword-and-sorcery author who ever lived. 

Raub added his own verse to that roll-call, no doubt.

Rest in peace brother.


  1. That's terrible news! Eternal Champion are one of the true torchbearers of heavy metal today. My condolences to Brad's loved ones and bandmates. If there is a silver lining to this news, it's that you have an excuse to promote their amazing music.

  2. I also want to mention that Brad also played for Sumerlands, who are another very good band. I'd recommend checking them out if you haven't already.

  3. Jerome The DestroyerJune 1, 2024 at 7:19 PM

    Sad to hear, and Eternal Champion and Sumerlands are both good times. For more REH goodness in metal check out the band Hyborian Steel.

  4. Thanks for the recommendation Jerome.
