Monday, February 24, 2020

Flame and Crimson Kindle edition released, and reviews!

Some important and encouraging news to share today regarding Flame and Crimson.

First, the book is now available on Kindle for the low price of $7.99. If that's your preferred medium (full disclosure, I'm a paper guy and have yet to take the plunge into e-readers) head on over to Amazon and grab an (e) copy.

Second, there's been a few reviews posted and I'm happy (and humbled) by this small sample reaction to date.

Here's an outstanding piece on Spiral Tower, the blog of Jason Ray Carney. Jason is co-editor of The Dark Man, an academic journal dedicated to Robert E. Howard and the broader field of pulp literature, and is a professor at Christopher Newport University. He teaches some classes I wish I had the opportunity to take back in my undergrad days.

Here's another very comprehensive review over at Karavansara by Davide Mana.

These two pieces are honest, with praise but also some critique and disagreement. I like them because they show a deep engagement with the book, from two authors who took the time to read it and write thoughtful responses. I agree with most of their critiques. I had to do some amount of editorializing and interpretation in Flame and Crimson, and I fully anticipated some disagreements, large or small, with my approach, the definitions I laid out, and the conclusions I reached.

As I've stated I'm hoping the book gets more conversation started around my favorite subgenre, and these reviews have already accomplished a bit of that. But I'm glad they also enjoyed reading it and recognize Flame and Crimson as something S&S sorely needed.

Finally, if you'd prefer something shorter that cuts straight to the chase, Paul McNamee offers that here.


  1. It just got a post at The Black Gate (which is how I originally discovered your blog, I think).

  2. Thanks Jason, I did see that nice plug from John over at BG. I've been trying to leave a comment but the site keeps eating my posts.

  3. Hey man, it's been a while since I swung by your blog, but I have been seeing this book of yours popping up on my Amazon feed and I knew the name was familiar, I just couldn't remember why. Very cool to see this is out, and I'll have to find the time to pick it up and give it a read.

  4. Hi Jack, I remember you from "back in the day" of the heyday of this blog. I still visit your blog from time to time.

    I appreciate it, and hope you do pick up Flame and Crimson and read it some day. If so please let me know what you thought.
