Sunday, February 23, 2025

Some recent acquisitions

Some treasures acquired while out and about or through the post.

The three other images below are postcard ads included w/Lee volume.

About time I picked up Empress of Dreams by Tanith Lee. DMR collected all her tales of S&S in one volume. 

I now have the first six issues of SSOC. I’ve only read the first three of the new run from Titan but plan to read the next three ASAP. Covers are still looking fantastic.

The Trooper is not a great beer, but not bad either. Drinkable, pleasant, reliable British ale with a malty backbone. And of course it’s really all about the can art.

When My Body’s Numb and My Throat is Dry, I grab a Trooper.


Ian said...

That Tanish Lee volume is one of the offerings from DMR I don't have yet. I still need to read the ones I've already bought from them. I admit the other two acquisitions don't mean as much to me since I don't read comics or drink, but as long as you get enjoyment out of them, that's what matters.

Brian Murphy said...

Ian: If you don't drink you're better off, I admit I enjoy beer but it does no favorites for my waistline or wallet. As for comics, I mentioned elsewhere on the blog that I stopped buying them some 33-35 years ago, but found myself sufficiently intrigued by the new SSOC. It's almost a magazine, as it does have short essays, short prose fiction, etc. around the strips.

John said...

My main gripe with the various newer publishers resurrecting Conan in recent years is that, sooner than later, they all fizzle out. While the art is usually good (not great), the stories just don't have the dynamic of Howard or the verve of Roy Thomas. With each new launch, the editorials are brimming with enthusiasm about how they're going to wow their readers on "exciting things to come", the title just ends up dead on the vine. Perhaps a new Conan-inspired/influenced character is needed...

Brian Murphy said...

Hi John, that may be... I have not bought any new Conan until the last couple years, when I've picked up some of SSOC and some of the pastiche. Coincidentally I just read SSOC #4, was not impressed (it was a tie-in to a Black Stone miniseries, featured several shorter story arcs of different REH characters, and as a result felt disjointed). I did enjoy the first three issues however.