Saturday, February 26, 2011

Me want

Here's some ultimate nerdity that I would nevertheless gladly wear (look closely/zoom in on thumbnails below):

I wonder if the Tolkien Estate will be putting the smack down on this, though.


nephite blood spartan heart said...

Ha, thats kind of thing my brother and I would get for each other.

Charles R. Rutledge said...

I once played a game of Mornington Crescent with a similar LotR map.

Taranaich said...

It works because it's only if you really look closely you realise how incredibly nerdy it is.

Brian Murphy said...

Yes, it's the subtlety of it that makes it work.

Charles: Mornington Crescent? I don't know what that is.

Charles R. Rutledge said...

Brian, it's a game from the old UK radio show 'Sorry, I haven't a Clue' and it's usually played with the regular Underground Map. Wiki here.