Valinor and the Halls of Mandos serve as halfway houses for pre-Christian souls, or as Shippey notes in The Road to Middle Earth, a “middle path” where they remain until the Ragnarök-like ending of the world. While the Halls of Mandos can perhaps be thought of as a less rowdy Valhalla, Valinor makes a wonderful, shifting metaphor: The Garden of Eden; a lost time of innocence; a dim remembrance of a better time in our own lives; a loved one separated by death but who we hope to rejoin one day; they’re all applicable ways of assigning meaning to the Undying Lands.
Of course Valinor is sadly beyond not only our reach, but the reach of the denizens of the Third Age of Middle-earth. It’s a divide not merely between heaven and earth, but a split on Middle-earth itself. This is Tolkien’s myth of The Lost Road, an impossible straight path on a curved earth that leads to a land of magic and deathlessness. Frodo, en route to the Grey Havens, sings of this myth in the final pages of The Lord of the Rings:
Still round the corner there may wait
A new road or a secret gate;
And though I oft have passed them by,
A day will come at last when I
Shall take the hidden paths that run
West of the Moon, East of the Sun
Though hidden, Valinor was still reachable by ship into the Second Age via a sea-journey into the west. But then a powerful race of Men called the Númenóreans decided that they too wanted in on the deathlessness, an ill choice which ultimately resulted in the separation of Valinor from Middle-earth (or heaven from earth, if you will). Their story is told in the Akallabêth, the penultimate section of The Silmarillion.
The set up to the Akallabêth is as follows: The Edain (Men who dwelt in Beleriand and were friendly with the Elves) are given the island of Númenor by the Valar as a gift for their valorous service in the wars against Morgoth. As the Second Age of Middle-earth begins they build splendid kingdoms and live for long years in unbridled peace and prosperity.
But the one seemingly unsolvable problem for the Númenóreans is that, as Men, they are mortal. Though they have much longer lifespans than modern Men, they will eventually grow old and die. Most do so gracefully in their time, accepting their fate. But some of the Númenóreans begin to question why this must be so. Valinor and its coastal city of Avallónë, just visible far off on the western horizon, seem to offer answers to this unsolved question. With the home of the deathless Elves in sight (serving as a nagging reminder of their own mortality), the Númenóreans begin to wonder why they too can’t get in on that action.
The Akallabêth can be viewed as one long exploration of Tolkien’s preoccupation with death, and also our purpose in this mortal, all-too-short life. As I see it, the answer Tolkien offers is that we’re not here on earth to hoard wealth, nor to use our minds and hands to build military strength, but to live in peace and fellowship and dignity until we pass beyond the Circles of the World. But as time passes the Númenóreans stray from the path. They turn toward military conquest and the acquisition of wealth. They build great tombs to house their dead, a symbol of the exaltation of the physical body and a distancing from the spiritual (I could draw parallels with the state of our great nation today and its infatuation with celebrities, plastic surgery, and physical beauty, but it’s too easy a target).
The Valar forbid the Númenóreans to sail to Valinor, warning of calamity should they tempt fate. For death is a gift to Men granted by Ilúvatar. But the Númenóreans, led by their 25th king, Ar-Pharazôn, continue to rebel (At least, most do—a separate faction led by Amandil called the Faithful continue to heed the words of the Valar, along with Amandil’s son Elendil. But they are in the minority).
This gap between the two groups grows into a gaping rift after Ar-Pharazôn falls in with the Dark Lord Sauron. Though he’s initially brought to Númenor as a humble captive, Sauron woos Ar-Pharazôn with his knowledge and guile. Soon a houseguest instead of a prisoner, Sauron spreads lies about the Valar among the Númenóreans. He finds a willing partner in crime in Ar-Pharazôn. Sauron gets the Númenórean king to cut down the white tree Nimloth (though not before Isildur, Elendil’s son, risks life and limb to steal a fruit from one of its boughs and carry on its line). At his suggestion Ar-Pharazôn also builds a temple in the heart of the city and the Númenóreans begin the practice of human sacrifice.
Downfall of Númenor. |
Most strikingly of all, Ilúvatar remakes the once-flat Arda as a round planet. Valinor no longer resides as an island in the west, but a mythic land hovering somewhere in the ether. Ships can no longer reach Valinor by sea “for all roads are now bent.” Only a few mortals, by the whim of the Valar, will ever reach Valinor and see its white shores before they die. Thereafter, the hearts of Men feel its loss keenly. That welling of nostalgia for something you cannot quite place when you stand on the shore and look to the sea? That’s Valinor.
Christianity, Arthuriana, and more
The Akallabêth is loaded with references to the Christian bible and parallels with the myths of Atlantis and King Arthur. For example, the Valar’s warning not to set foot on the Blessed Realm has echoes of the forbidden fruit. The Númenórean capital city of Armenelos devolves into a wicked den of sin in the mold of a Sodom or Gomorrah. In fact, the description of the awful goings-on in Armenelos, including human sacrifice on pagan altars, reminded me somewhat of a Stygian city from Robert E. Howard’s Hyborian Age. Writes Tolkien, “In that temple, with spilling of blood and torment and great wickedness, men made sacrifice to Melkor that he should release them from Death … Yet those were bitter days, and hate brings forth hate.” This is (to my knowledge) the first overt mention of an organized religion in The Silmarillion, and it is not portrayed well.
The ships of the faithful. |
The legend of Númenor resonates in our own history in the myth of Atlantis (i.e., a prehistoric civilization that sinks after some great natural calamity).
Finally, its no great leap from Tolkien’s Avallónë to the Arthurian myth of Avalon. The dying King Arthur may have found healing in the Undying Lands after he is wounded by Mordred at the Battle of Camlann and sails away to the island of Avalon.
The future takes root in the present
Apart from its wonderful mythic elements, my recent re-reading of The Silmarillion reminded me of another reason why I’m partial to the Akallabêth: I can feel the connections with the Third Age coming together with an audible click, yet another reminder of the gorgeous tapestry that is Tolkien’s tightly-constructed universe. The names we encounter are quite familiar which makes my Lord of the Rings-obsessed heart skip a beat. For example, Sauron takes center stage in the Akallabêth, and it’s here we first hear of the forging the One Ring (I had forgotten until this re-read that, among the Nine, Sauron enslaves three great warrior-lords of the Númenóreans. This is another reason why the Nazgul are to be feared: The Númenóreans were mighty warriors).
I’ll admit that it’s strange to see Sauron—portrayed of course in LOTR an incorporeal spirit or a flaming eye—walking around in as a handsome man in the Akallabêth. Like Melkor, he too was once fair to look upon. Drowning is not good for the complexion, apparently.
Elendil and Isildur are also straight out of LOTR; the tale of father and son can be found in Chapter two of The Fellowship of the Ring, “The Shadow of the Past,” where Gandalf tells a wide-eyed Frodo about their combat with Sauron on the slopes of Mount Doom. The Akallabêth also provides some illumination on Aragorn’s shadowy history, first hinted at in a conversation between Bilbo and Frodo in Rivendell in The Fellowship of the Ring, Book II, Chapter One, “Many Meetings”:
“And why do you call him Dúnadan?” asked Frodo.
“The Dúnadan,” said Bilbo. “He is often called that here. But I thought you knew enough Elvish at least to know dún-adan: Man of the West, Númenórean. But this is not the time for lessons!”
Tolkien forges the final link in the chain from the past to the present of Middle-earth in the final section of The Silmarillion, “Of the Rings of Power and the Third Age,” which I’ll tackle next week.
Terrific Tolkien: The last words of Amandil and other death-speeches
Has any fantasy author ever written such poignant, beautiful death-speeches as J.R.R. Tolkien? Despite accusations of his tendency to cave in to happy endings, Tolkien frequently writes noble characters who deliver heroic speeches just before suffering some grim end. For example, there’s Felagund dying in Beren’s arms in the pits of Sauron (“It may be that we shall not meet a second time in death or life, for the fates of our kindreds are apart. Farewell!”), and Huor’s final words to Turgon before his suicidal rear-guard action at the Battle of Unnumbered Tears (“This I say to you, lord, with the eyes of death: though we part here for ever, and I shall not look on your white walls again, from you and from me a new star shall arise. Farewell!”).
Equally lump-in-the-throat inducing are the last words of Amandil, father of Elendil, before he sets sail for Valinor. Like Eärendil, he hopes to reach the Undying Lands, in this instance to warn the Valar about the impending attack by the Númenórean fleet. Amandil tells his son to be ready should he fail to return, and the pathos is palpable:
“It may well prove that you will see me never again; and that I shall show you no such sign as Eärendil showed long ago. But hold you ever in readiness, for the end of the world that we have known is now at hand.”
Amandil’s words prove prophetic: He and his crew perish, suffering a cold, lonely death beneath the waves: “And never again were they heard of by word or sign in this world, nor is there any tale or guess of their fate. Men could not for a second time be saved by any such embassy.” Yet Elendil heeds his father’s words, and when the great green wave comes to envelop Númenor, he and his crews are ready.
Amandil’s final voyage may have been in vain, but his last words to his beloved son were not.
(Artwork by John Howe, Darrell Sweet, and Ted Nasmith)
well I guess after this you only have one bit left.
An excellent series, but what do you have planned next?
An excellent series, but what do you have planned next?
"Blogging the Bible - part one - Genesis"
(word verification- "progi": fast food for Polish people in a hurry)
You know, I never made the connection between Tolkien's Avallónë and Arthur's Avalon but now that you've pointed it out it seems blindingly obvious. It kinda makes me wonder whether the Pendragon family is descended from a far more ancient kingly lineage - Gondor perhaps? Cimmeria maybe? The mind boggles.
Bravo as usual Brian, I too wonder not at what you can do to top this series but what you can do to even come close.
I am actually planning a 10-part series on a rock opera about the life and times of Jack the Ripper, "Saucy Jack."
...but seriously, no plans after this, but likely some lighter fare and one offs!
I love seeing just a glimpse of Numenor in the tale of Aldarion and Erendis. It made a mythic place come alive, and again I wish Tolkien would have finished it.
I trust you'll take it to 11 Brian.
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